Customer Testimonials

Monica Lacoe

what a pleasant experience. I think her name is Avery(forgive me if I got it wrong) she was so kind and personable. She took time to help me find the perfect gift for my father. You don't meet people like her very often anymore in the costumer service industry, so THANK YOU. human kindness goes a long way.

Nick Campbell

Awesome purchase experience on my 2020 Road Glide Special. Great service work on my new bike for additions and accessories. Don't have a bad thing to say.

Chris Williams

Love this place!! Super friendly, knowledgeable people! Feels like an episode of cheers but with bikes! Lol! Not one bad thing to say about this place!

Halle Hallal

Great customer service even when we just needed a break from the heat. Thanks Patrick ,Ernie, and everyone at dealership, you're awesome!

Gary Milligan

Marcy in parts was great. I needed a vintage part along with some other hard to find stuff. She knows how to help a customer. Thanks for good service.


This place knows the business, came from a couple hundred miles away to get a part they only had, professionalism at its best.